RIIA® News: Women & Longevity – An Industry Q&A – #10

A key issue with retirement income is longevity, especially for women. Christine Russell, TD Ameritrade, talked with Chris Allen, Investius, at RIIA’s 2017 Summer Conference about the value of planning to manage this challenge. RIIA’s RMA online program can help you understand the client’s situation and develop a strategy for managing this risk. Learn more at www.riia-usa.org. The next class … {Read more…}

Replay Webinar – Using Maximum Drawdown as a Risk Measure in Multi-Asset Portfolios – Oct 4

Date: Wednesday, October 4, noon – 1 pm ET Replay available in members area. Standard risk measures, such as Volatility or Value-at-Risk (VaR), provide only limited information about the risk your portfolio is exposed to. In this talk, we explain how Maximum Drawdown can compliment, and possibly even replace, standard risk metrics such as Volatility and VaR. … {Read more…}

RIIA® News – Society of Actuaries Call for Essays

As a supporter of the Society of Actuaries (SOA), RIIA is pleased to share the SOA Committee on Post-Retirement Needs and Risks (PRNR) 2017 call for essays. They seek research and papers that identify potential solutions and new innovations to assist workers and retirees better prepare for retirement. This new group of essays will be used to expand the discussion and complement the previous essay … {Read more…}

RIIA® News: Retirement & CEFs – An Industry Q&A – #9

Is a closed end fund (CEF) useful in providing retirement income? That depends – on your strategy and your client’s needs. Financial planning professionals share their perspective with Chris Allen, founder and principal of Investius, at RIIA’s 2017 Summer Conference in July. RIIA’s RMA online program can help you understand the client’s situation and develop a strategy for product selection. … {Read more…}

Replay Webinar: Leading an Effective Retirement Conversation – September 20

Date: Wednesday, September 20, noon –  1 pm ET Replay is available in the members area. For most consumers, their goals and objectives start with their emotional needs, their confidence in meeting those needs, and their comfort that you can help them. While there is no doubt that strong analytical skills are essential to creating a successful retirement plan, humans are … {Read more…}

RIIA® News: Retirement Future – An Industry Q&A – #8

What needs to change to improve the retirement income picture for individuals and advisors?  Hear what financial planning professionals told Chris Allen, founder and principal of Investius, at RIIA®’s 2017 Summer Conference in July. RIIA’s RMA online program can help you drive that change. Learn more at www.riia-usa.org and join the next class which begins today, September 11th (the first week … {Read more…}