Between the IssuesSM provide RIIA® the opportunity to share peer-reviewed papers between publication of the regularly published Retirement Management Journal®. Designed to promote research, scholarship, and innovative thinking on retirement management topics, the Retirement Management Journal (RMJ®) is a peer-reviewed publication that benefits from RIIA’s “The View Across the SilosSM” to centralize retirement income and retirement management papers. In the financial services industry, papers are published in “silo-specific” publications. This makes them hard to find and little read by the retirement-focused financial advisors who are most in need of the thinking and practice sharing.
RMJ papers contribute to broadening and deepening the industry’s body of knowledge for retirement income and retirement management.
Between the Issues: December 2015, Monitoring and Managing a Retirement Income Portfolio
Monitoring and Managing a Retirement Income Portfolio
RIIA’s and the RMA®’s Best practices in retirement planning provide advice on Feasibility before Sustainability.
Feasibility is related to RIIA’s Measures of Fundedness(sm) and the Household Balance Sheet View(sm).
Feasibility is an observable measure and it is expressed in dollars.
- Sustainability is the inverse of “risk of ruin”.
- Sustainability is a probabilistic opinion subject to a choice of retirement risk model.
- Sustainability is a model-based opinion that guides how much of the client’s financial assets could be invested in risky assets.
Since the retirement literature documents at least two definitions for risk of ruin/sustainability, seven categories of retirement risk models and because calculated risk of ruin, ceteris paribus, varies across definitions and retirement risk models by a factor of 10 or more, can you see why it is better for the client if your retirement planning process advises about Feasibility before Sustainability?
Between the Issues: December 2014, Looking Back Across the Pond: Retirement in the European Union
Between the Issues: November 2014, The Longevity Insurance Concept